Local Joint Building Mural

Local Joint Building Mural


I had the pleasure to do the mural on the Local Joint building at the corner of 42nd St. and University in Phoneix.

The wall was 20 ft tall and 40 ft long.

I mocked it up on the iPad for approval one approved, I used photoshop and the building dimensions to create a grid in photoshop that would translate to 2 foot square on the building. I used the printout for my reference on the building. I gridded out the building at 2ft. using a chalk line I snapped the lines and then drew out the design with a sharpie. Once the design was drawn out I used black spray paint to outline and fill in the design of Jimmy.

For the company logo, I took a freer approach. I knew how big the logo was going to be so I blocked in all the red with red spray paint. I then used a bunch of different sized patterns for leaf edges and used them at random to create a faded effect on the edge of the red. For the logo I had a stencil cut out and used that to make the logo exact and to save time.

Super Heroes Street Art

Super Heroes Street Art

This was done in Spring of 2018. The theme was “Stronger together” I chose a superhero theme because I knew that it would be popular with the crowd with the Superman and Batman movie coming out a little bit earlier.

This was a 10-foot square piece. it took me about 23 hours. I took first place for staff pick for best professional mural.

Schmooze coffee shop art

Schmooze coffee shop art


This is some art I have done in the Schmooze Coffee Shop in old town Scottsdale. I have more to do once the summer is over. it’s too hot right now.